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Effective Immediately, we we're no longer using ZenPlanner!
Current Credits will be applied once your new profile has been made
In order to attend classes at La luna, students must reserve their classes in advance.
Registration closes 6 hours before the class begins and we may not be able to accomodate late registrations.
Cancellations should be made at least 6 hours in advnace in order to receive credit for your class.
Class reservations are made through the registration site and may be purchased by the class, with prepaid class credits, or with an unlimited membership.
Class Calendar
You will find our current class listings on the calendar. Open Level classes are available for those who are not able to commit to a particular class time. Those wishing to progress in a certain area by developing more technique and tricks should consider a session-Based class or workshop. Session based classes may last from 2-8 weeks and are reserved in advance. Workshops and Special Feature classes are not offered each week, and may be scheduled on a weekday or weekend. All classes and sessions require advance registration and have deadlines for payment in order to keep your spot.
Classes or programs which do not have the minimum of registrants are subject to cancellation.
Class Credits & Memberships
Reservations are made by using the purchase of class credits and memberships. if you have already purchased credits for the classes you which to take, you would not need to buy more. Buy 1 class by selecting the "BOOK" option next to your class. Purchase an Unlimited Membership if you think you will enjoy coming to as many classes as you like--including many special feature classes (Guest Instructors NOT included).
Intro to Aerials: is an hour long sampler class which must be completed before taking: Pole Silks, Silk Hammock, and Aerial Hoop (those with prior aerial experience do not need to take this class). If you have not completed Intro to Aerials and have no other expereince with aerial apparatuses, you will not be able to participate in aerials classes. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Promos and coupons are to be used as they are described in the details, and are usually not to be combined with other offers. There are some sales which you can purchase back to back, but be sure to contact the studio in order to prevent credit expirations. If you are unsure how to use your promo or coupon, email us so we can get you set up!
If you are having trouble registering or have any other questions about your account, please send and email or text message to 864-328-4103. Be sure to include your name in your messages!
Calendar & Registration
Cancellations & Late Policy
Cancellations may be made up to 6 hours before your scheduled class.. Anyone arriving more than 5 minutes late will not be allowed to participate and will be required to re-register for another class. This is to keep the quality of instruction and warm up time since warm-ups are a very important for injury prevention. Class credit expirations may not be adjusted and No Show's will also result in a loss of a class credit. Please be kind to our fellow studio members and cancel classes as soon as possible, so that another person may join if there is a waitlist.
Promos & Coupons
Class Calendar
Class Credits
Cancellation Policy
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